Saturday, 26 September 2015

Negative is a luxury you do not afford

You do not afford the luxury of a negative thought and orientation. Facing the wrong direction is a costly venture. Brooding on negative thoughts creates in your a disadvantage complex that holds you back. Cut the code of negativity. Refuse to eat negativity, talk negative or be negative. 

You life will never change until
Your thinking does. Change your thinking to transform your life. When you think negative you block your mind from creating and imagining. Negative mindsets never breed winning strategy. Worry is distorted imagination. 

Think possibilities. See possibilities. There is always a dark, dysfunctional side to anything, but choose to face the light and dreams of possibilities. Above the cloud of despair there is always a light shining and a future that beckons. Choose light, not darkness; faith not fiction. 

Create space for thinking and reflection. Starve your mind of the opportunities for worry, regret and fear. Replay your vision of the future and stop terrorizing yourself with your personal horror movie. Read, think and reflect. Invest time into thinking and reading. 

Unless your broaden your canvass your thought, you shrink your universe of options. Your issues cannot be solved by the thinking that created that birthed your problems. To do differently you have to know and understand better. Negativity assumes that the past and present is a continuum into the future. Do not let anyone rob you of opportunities of today and the possibilities of tomorrow. The problems and opportunities of today will not be there forever. Go grab them!

Committed to your greatness. 

Milton Kamwendo. 

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Build new capacity!

Wherever capacity exists, blessing abounds and excellence is expressed. Wherever capacity is lacking simple things take longer to get done, if done at all. 

Building your capacity means that you are able to do more than you could before. You can go further and maximize your potential and opportunities. You are able to handle bigger challenges, think in a more structured manner and resolve bigger challenges. 

You are not building your capacity if you let your competence level stagnate. You cannot do, be and have more if your capacity is not growing. 

Lifting the same weights will not help you build strength. Merely doing things out of habit does not in any way mean you are building your capacity. Stretch a little more. 

Never be satisfied with old capacity, limited thinking and mere repetition. Do not die while living. You are no longer learning when you are now stuck in routine. Keep building and growing. 

Ideas for action
1. In what areas have you stagnated? 

2. What new thing did you do or learn in the last 6 months?

3. What could you do to start stimulating growth and development in your life? 

Committed to your greatness. 

Milton Kamwendo