Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Take Positive Advantage of the Boomerang Effect

A boomerang is a device that when thrown swirls in the air and returns back to the thrower. Traditionally boomerangs were used for hunting and sport. They helped rouse hiding prey and at times were used as weapons. There were made of wood or bone and today they are made of various modern materials that promote aeroflot. 

You may wonder what a boomerang has to do with you? Everything. You are a product of many boomerangs. Whatever you do or say obeys the boomerang effect. It all comes back home to roost. What you reap is a result of what you would have sown. The key to greatness is understanding the boomerang effect and using it to your advantage. If you do not, the law will just work against you and you will keep wondering why you remain stuck, confused and frustrated. 

Start a new boomerang effect. Carry positive thoughts. Speak positive words and take positive and determined action.