Sunday, 1 September 2013

Be Prepared Daily & Primed for Action.

The key to great performance is deep and consistent preparation. There are only three keys to anything great. The keys are: "Prepare, Prepare, Prepare." In the great book of Strategy entitled, The Art of War, Sun Tzu says: "He will win who prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared." The prepared will always outclass and shock the unprepared. 

Your preparation is the prophecy of your greatness or doom. Prepare and perform in a way that begs prophecy. If people cannot prophecy your future when they see you in preparation, you most likely have none. 

Jokers should attempt comedy, but even there they will find that what looks spontaneous on stage required preparation off stage. You can never be taken seriously if you set out to build a huge building with a foundation of a mud hut. The foundation of preparation allows you to get the edge and perform with excellence. 

Greatness is for those who prize preparation. 

Friday, 12 July 2013

Childhood Friends

Chance meeting with Payen. I childhood friend. We used to play soccer together. Used to walk about 10 km to Church. 

How times and situations change.

Celebrate and Serve

Celebrate every opportunity that you have to serve. Be led and be a worthy follower. Following is not delay, it is processing and ripening time. Serve with passion and vision. Celebrate every grace that knocks at your door. Life is a celebration and opportunity is everywhere you are willing to serve. 

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Take Positive Advantage of the Boomerang Effect

A boomerang is a device that when thrown swirls in the air and returns back to the thrower. Traditionally boomerangs were used for hunting and sport. They helped rouse hiding prey and at times were used as weapons. There were made of wood or bone and today they are made of various modern materials that promote aeroflot. 

You may wonder what a boomerang has to do with you? Everything. You are a product of many boomerangs. Whatever you do or say obeys the boomerang effect. It all comes back home to roost. What you reap is a result of what you would have sown. The key to greatness is understanding the boomerang effect and using it to your advantage. If you do not, the law will just work against you and you will keep wondering why you remain stuck, confused and frustrated. 

Start a new boomerang effect. Carry positive thoughts. Speak positive words and take positive and determined action. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Dream Radically Big and You Will Go Places

Dream Big, You'll Be Great!

Everything forest starts with a seed. Every nation or movement starts with a progenitor. You are not small and your dream matters. 

Every great building starts as a simple dream narrated to an architect. Simply paper napkin sketches have been known to develop into mighty ideas, concepts and edifices. 

Do not despise your dreams and simple thoughts. Dreams are pregnant with possibility. Capture your dreams in your notebook or journal. Sketch and preserve the dreams. Ask someone to draw the model, plan or do the numbers. 

Your imagination is the drawing room of your life. Your simple ideas are the sparks that you need to start your greatness engine. Dreams today; brick and mortar tomorrow. 

In every dream there is a seed of something great that can be built. Seeds must never be wasted, or aimlessly scattered. Without the power to dream, life is empty space and lacks colour and purposeful action. 

What dream are you pursuing? What dream had you given up on? Start dreaming again? 

Friday, 17 May 2013

Take Action - Just Do It!

At a 1988 meeting of the advertising agency, Wieden+Kennedy, Nike's advertsing account handlers were looking at coming up with a powerful campaign that would carry the Nike brand into the 1990s. As they banged around various thoughts, Dan Wieden, the Agency's founder had a flash if inspiration from a novel he had read. He remembered Gary Gilmore's last murder me words, "Just Do It!" And that cut it. This campaign with this buy line from Nike went on to have global recognition and captivated minds in the highly competitive sports category for more that a decade. Wherever it's recited, everyone knows you are talking about Nike. 

Many people know what the should do, where they should do it, but they just do not Nike it - just do it. Some in an effort to embolden themselves a little more will take another course, attend a seminar and all the while they know what to do and how. They know they must just do it. After all has been said and done, you will always come back to this compelling and seminal idea: just do it if you want it to get done. 

Life is not waiting and the time for hesitation is behind you. Just do it. Time is fleeing past and aging does not sound an alarm bell. You are not as young as you were last week. The message is: Just do it! Take massive action, refuse to vacillate, equivocate or quiver. Nothing will happen unless you just do it. Take action and you will be pleased with yourself. Just do it. Just do it. Just do it. You will never learn doing nothing. 

Use this weekend to start taking action. Get moving what are you waiting for? 

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Learn from People!

People carry vital information, insights and knowledge. People are a vital resources and guideposts. Always be open to learning because learning can occur anywhere and sometimes in the most unlikely places and times. Always be open to learn from anyone you meet. Learn from the happy, they have overcome adversity. Learn from the sad, they grew complacent. Learn from the wise, they are repentant fools. Learn from fools, they have courage and fear nothing. Learn from the old, they fought hard battles. Learn from the young, they still can dream. Learn from the wounded, they know the meaning of healing. Learn from leaders they excelled at following. Learn from followers, they see where leaders stray. Learn from the great, they were once small. Learning opportunities are everywhere. 

Whenever you meet a person you can be sure there is something you can learn from him or her. People are mobile libraries and information portals.  Failure to learn and glean useful knowledge is usually because you are not alert or attentive enough. When an old person dies in an African Village it is analogous with the burning down of a vital library.

What did you learn today?